Hello friends! Sorry I've been absent for so long once again, but I promise it was for good reason! The whole finding-a-job situation has been distracting me a lot. Though I have more time, I seem to spend most of that time looking for leads, or stressing out about not already having a job. I've had some good news trickle in recently, so hopefully that's a sign of things lookin' up in the future.
But! That's not all I've been spending my time on. Take a look see, my friends, here's a little preview of what I'll be working on.
It only took me 4 tries, but I've finally completed the first page of my comic (pictured left) !!!
They weren't joking when they said starting is half the battle. Finishing the first page was no joke. I thought I had this whole inking thing down, but I just kept on running into problem after problem. I found myself getting stuck trying to ink environments and non-character objects. Eventually I got the hang of it, but trust me, you have no idea what it takes until you try it yourself.
A couple more drawings:
Let me write down a few more tips on inking:
-White out is not just for covering up mistakes, use it as a tool.
-Don't forget to pencil in all speech bubbles and whatever onomatopoeia you have on the page. you'll save a lot of time and effort. Adding something unplanned is incredibly difficult with inking.
-Good transparent rulers are essential tools.
I've been posting stuff on my Tumblr page as well. When i logged in, someone had sent me an encouraging message about the project. Boy did it make me feel good.
Like that "Wicked City" yo! Just watched it last nite!