Sunday, November 11, 2012

11/10/2012 update

I feel bad that I have to keep apologizing for extended absences.  I have yet to hook up the Internet at my new apartment, and updating this blog with my iPad is a it of a pain in the ass!  But I made some good progress while I've been separated from the Internet, so I wanted to share!

Today, I finished inking page10!  With this, I have finished the prologue section to my comic.  Now I have to start screen toning these.  Something I haven't done in YEARS! Just wait a little bit more, you guys.  I'll have something cool for you guys to read very soon!

On a different note, thanks to everyone who has sent me birthday wishes.  It means a lot and I appreciate it.  Tonight, I'll crack open a beer and think of all my loved ones.  You guys mean the world to me.

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