Tuesday, June 26, 2012

NSFW speed paint

Woke up in a painting frenzy for some reason.  I should have been working on my storyboards, but I decided on doing a painting instead.  Still got lots of time until the day is over, so I guess I'll be getting to those storyboards!

Hit the jump to see the painting.  Warning! NSFW

I've been drawing and painting far too much safe stuff.  Today I felt like contributing to the weird side of the internet. 


  1. love the way you paint mecha! it would be freakin' weird to be sitting on it like this...ohhhhhhhh

    1. hehehehe, I'm really liking painting black metal. It's fun!

  2. Wow Eliot. I love your drawings. I've been browsing through your blog. Your ink stuff looks awesome!
